Thursday, March 15, 2018


Series 5 of the Sword of Ker Podcast continued on with it's ridiculous form of bizarre comedy with episode 4 - "The Potato Episode" which introduced the cast to The Potato Dimension - a place where everything is potato and potatoes have become conscious thinking beings that use their telepathic powers to control your mind - and you must obey.

The concept for this episode was originally conceived quite a long time ago and I actually enjoyed delving into the past and submerging the resilient Bork McGonkin into the Potato Dimension.

For reasons - quite a lot of very good reasons actually - I had intentionally been avoiding making any references to anything potato in the SoK Podcast but the thought of Bork drunkenly stumbling headlong into potato mania was just too enticing to pass up.

It was great to bypass all the horrible rubbish that was prevalent in the actual "Potato Power" book and be able to present the Potato Dimension as it was originally intended: a playful romp through a ludicrous concept where nobody actually gets brutally murdered through animalistic dismemberment.  Quite a treat!

 In my opinion, Series 5 Episode 4 THE POTATO EPISODE is by far the funniest and best produced episode of the entire series.  It's definitely the most enjoyable episode to listen to.

This episode also features a replay of the Earthshine Project song "I want Love" (Full Baked Potato Version) which made it's debut in the Series 4 Finale episode.  As a note on this, I have received some feedback that possibly people might take the lyrics to this song the wrong way.  Especially the line, "Get out of my face and read a book."  Take it the way you want to.  I'm not trying to offend anybody.

There are reasons for this song to have the overall sound that it has, and if you have followed this season from the beginning you can understand why.  If you think "I Want Love" (Full Baked Potato Version) has a Victims Family-ish sound to it, there's a reason.  I was overcome with a VF 'aura' while I was laying out and recording the tracks for it and was transported, in my mind, to a Phoenix Theatre mosh pit back in the day.  I just couldn't help it.  And yes, that's the Larry I'm making reference to.

So, that's the skinny on Episode 4 - there's much more to follow.  Soon.

Be good to each other.


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